Dental Implants

A Modern Tooth Replacement Marvel

At Urgent Dental of Denver, we offer state-of-the-art dental implants. Unlike many other dental offices, we perform implant placements in-house, thanks to our advanced surgical techniques and diagnostic technologies.

At Urgent Dental of Denver, we offer state-of-the-art dental implants. Unlike many other dental offices, we perform implant placements in-house, thanks to our advanced surgical techniques and diagnostic technologies.

The Implant Advantage

Implants consist of a biocompatible material, like titanium, that fuses with your jawbone. This integration provides a sturdy foundation for prosthetic teeth (crowns), bridges, or dentures, making them feel and function like natural teeth.

How Implants  Work?

Dental implants do more than replace missing teeth; they preserve your jawbone's strength and integrity. By transferring energy to the jawbone, implants maintain the structural support needed for a youthful appearance, clear speech, and efficient chewing.

Preserving More Than Just Teeth

With proper care, implants designed, placed, and restored at Urgent Dental of Denver can last a lifetime. Schedule your appointment with our expert team to discover the life-changing benefits of same-day implant dentistry.

Your Lifelong  Solution

At Urgent Dental of Denver, we're dedicated to transforming smiles and lives through our full-service, same-day implant dentistry.

to schedule your appointment and embark on your journey to a lifetime of confident, healthy smiles.

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